Welcome to NDSU's website dedicated to providing information on the graduation process.

Graduation Application
- October 15 for fall graduates
- March 15 for spring graduates
- June 15 summer graduates
Degrees Posted - 4 weeks AFTER the semester ends
Diplomas Mailed - 6 weeks AFTER the semester ends
Undergraduate Student Graduation
Graduation is the completion of all university, major and any minor academic requirements in a student’s final semester. Students report their expected term of graduation to the Degree Analysts in the Office of Registration and Records during their official degree audit. Students will apply through the Student Center in Campus Connection.
Graduate Student Graduation
Visit the College of Graduate School and Interdisciplinary Studies for further details.
Diploma Information
Information printed on a diploma
- Preferred name
- Degree Type
- Honors Earned
*The diploma measures 8 1/2 x 11 and does not include major(s), minor(s) or options. Major(s), minor(s) or options are printed on transcripts.
Mailing Address
Diplomas are mailed to the student's 'mailing' address listed in Campus Connection. Should a diploma be returned for an insufficient address, the Office of Registration and Records makes every attempt to obtain an updated address. When an updated address is not available, it is held in the Office of Registration and Records for one year, after which time a student will need to order a diploma replacement.
Mailing Timeline
Diplomas are mailed approximately 4-6 weeks following the close of the semester in which graduation requirements have been completed.
*Holds Preventing Diploma Mailing - A diploma cannot be issued if a Past Due Balance or Student Finance Global hold on the student account. Diplomas are held by Customer Account Services until payment is received. After one year of non-payment, the diploma will be destroyed and a replacement diploma will need to be ordered and paid for by the student.
Replacement/Duplicate Diploma
If a duplicate or replacement diploma is needed, additional information can be found on the Diploma Request page.

The commencement ceremony is an opportunity for students to share the excitement and importance of their academic accomplishments with peers, family and friends. It is also a time for the University, senior administration, faculty and staff to pay special tribute to students for the outstanding efforts they have shown in earning their degrees.
Commencement Website